Christmas recital by the Kodaly Choir

Church del Carmen

the Kodaly Choir

The Kodaly Choir.

A great part of the functions organized by the Town Hall and carried out during these Christmas holidays has music as the main figure, proof of this is the performance of the Kodály Choir last Friday, 30th of December, in the church Iglesia de El Carmen.

The performance of this Choir from Molina de Segura (Murcia) started at 19,30 with the religious hymn “Exultate Iusti” and from then on, they alternated their songs with the celebration of mass.

Once finished the homily, they commenced a recital of Christmas carols, where the members of this musical formation sang clasic carols as “White Christmas” and “Silent Night”, also others that are not so well known as “En mísero establo” (In the Stable) or “Festejos de Navidad” (Christmas Festivities). This last song is a very popular Christmas carol in Peru.

The performance of this Choir was carried out in the choir area of the parish which highlighted , even more if possible, the acoustic.

Their performance was enjoyed by alll those that assisted and everyone was surprised by the musical quality of this Choir. Kodály, directed by José Bermejo were very happy and satisfied with their performance and once concluded they were, of course, awarded with the applause of all those that assisted. This performance was the last act of the Christmas musical programme.

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